Municipalities need reliable and cost-effective management of household hazardous waste. As the largest Canadian provider of these services, you can count on Terrapure to deliver the right turnkey program for your operation.
Streamlined Household Hazardous Waste Programs
- Open cabinet containing hazardous chemicals.
- Person examining hazardous/non-hazardous materials
- A young woman handling cleaning products
What We Do
Through our hazardous waste processing facilities and mobile field service operations, we deliver custom Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) management services that include collection, processing and recycling. We are well equipped to process paints, solvents, pesticides, motor oil and gasoline, fluorescent lighting, batteries, pharmaceuticals, acids, bases and aerosols.
Beyond collection and disposal, Terrapure hosts dedicated HHW collection days for municipalities, manages HHW depots, and provides education and training to municipal staff.
How We Do It
Our experts perform a comprehensive analysis of your municipality’s current system and its goals. With that information, we create an HHW management program that is streamlined and sustainable with a focus on diversion and recycling, and compliant with all regulatory requirements.
Understanding that municipalities are always under pressure to control costs, we are careful to design programs that maximize efficiencies and find ways to reduce costs. For example, we recover reusable products and divert material from costly disposal, wherever possible.
- Paint recycling
- Battery recycling
- Labpack management
- HHW events
- HHW depot operations management
- Storage and packaging training
- Packing and disposal
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Waste Treatment & RESOURCE Recovery
Processing waste the right way is about safety and resource recovery. At Terrapure, we’re committed to both. We sort, treat, process, stabilize and neutralize materials from virtually every waste stream to maximize recycling and to ensure secure disposal.
- Waste waiting for processing
- Person examining hazardous/non-hazardous materials
- An operator removes waste consolidated in drums prior to processing
What We Do
We collect, consolidate and process all types of organic and inorganic, hazardous and non-hazardous, liquid and solid industrial waste.
Using state-of-the-art technology, we aim to maximize the recovery of reusable products while reducing the volume of waste that ultimately requires disposal. Any remaining residual materials are managed through safe, secure disposal methods. We do all of this with a keen awareness of strict regulatory requirements to ensure your materials are always managed in compliance with all relevant regulations.
For extra security, high-risk materials with high potential liability can be tracked throughout the chain of custody to destruction.
How We Do It
With an integrated network of permitted facilities across the country—each with specialized processing capabilities—as well as our ability to provide onsite services, we manage industrial waste thoroughly and expertly.
- Paint recycling
- Chemical Processing
- Soil Treatment and Remediation
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Sludge Processing
- Wastewater Treatment
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Customized Solutions for Complex Tank Cleaning
No two industrial tanks are exactly alike. Different contents, volumes and accessibility points make each tank cleaning project complex. By investing in technology-based methods, we simplify the process, ensuring thorough tank cleaning with minimal downtime.
- An operator preparing equipment for tank cleaning at a customer refinery site
- Two people discussing tank cleaning
- An operator preparing equipment for tank cleaning at a customer refinery site
What We Do
We clean and remove sludge from all types of industrial tanks. Depending on the project, tank cleaning can include mechanical sludge removal, pumping with specialty nozzles, liquifying and processing sludge and waste disposal.
In conjunction with safety, our priority is to work efficiently with minimal disruption to your operations. Whenever possible, we remove solids while your tank remains in service. We do this with automated extractors, robotic equipment and remotely operated processing equipment that can be fully submerged.
How We Do It
Because tank size, function and contents vary from site to site, we approach each tank cleaning project as a customized job. We arrive on site to scope the work and sample material before offering a solution. Once we present our recommendation, we bring our mobile equipment and expertise to clean your tank thoroughly and cost effectively.
- Robotic services
- Customized automated tank cleaning
- Extractor – sludge de-inventorying tool
- Automated technology
- Remote camera and video inspections
- Environmental Ozone Ultrasonic Treatment™ (O.U.T.)
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Specialized Industrial Cleaning
Industrial operations need highly specialized cleaning to continue to operate at optimal efficiency. Terrapure has the technicians and equipment to get the job done safely and cost effectively in any industrial, commercial and institutional environment.
- Industrial cleaning machinery
- Industrial cleaning metal container
- Industrial cleaning operator spraying ground
What We Do
Our crews arrive at your site to clean, vacuum, flush out, decontaminate or hydro-excavate hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
Whether it’s cleaning chemical spills on a facility floor, pressure washing large fuel tanks, water cutting concrete or flushing a pipeline, we are able to handle all kinds of waste material, in any setting.
How We Do It
Industrial cleaning is about having well-trained operators and the proper technology and equipment.
Our cleaning teams include managers, chemists and engineers to make sure we’re assessing the challenge the right way. From planning to execution, we work closely with you to troubleshoot and find the right approach.
On the job, we have the required pieces of specialized equipment and accessories, including vacuum units, water cutters, high-pressure units, the latest equipment for exchanger cleaning and robotic equipment. Our fleet of mobile hot-wash units can operate at pressures up to 5,000 psi and temperatures of up to 88˚C.
We also provide safe, effective and environmentally responsible cleaning agents, if you need them.
- High-pressure vacuum and specialty services
- High-pressure water blasting
- High-pressure water cutting
- Turnaround services
- Wet and dry vacuum services
- Hydro-excavation
- Mobile steaming
- Sewer flushing
- Pipeline decoking technology
- Automated technology
- Exchanger, line and vessel cleaning
- Remote camera and video inspections
- Fibreline, evaporators, power boilers, recaust and kiln cleaning
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Full Hydro-Excavation Service
From hydro-excavation at your infrastructure site to off-site sludge processing, Terrapure has the fleet and facilities to manage your hydro-excavation projects.
What We Do
Our hydro-excavation services use an innovative combination of pressurized water and vacuum capabilities to remove waste. Hydro-excavation allows for safe, cost-effective construction and maintenance of infrastructure.
When it comes to disposing of hydro-excavation waste, we built our service around efficiency. When your trucks arrive at our facilities, we’ll have you in, sampled, offloaded and back on the road in a timely manner. Whether you’re carrying a clean or dirty (manifested) load, we are licensed to accept and process both at our large-volume facilities.
How We Do It
We have a fleet of the industry’s best and most versatile vacuum units. Our highly trained, professional drivers and equipment operators provide vacuum services on a scheduled basis, for large projects, and on an emergency response basis across North America.
- Sludge removal
- Sludge processing
- Disposal
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24/7 Emergency Response
Work safely and confidently, knowing that if there’s an incident, we’ll be there to help.
- Night time emergency response
- Overturned tanker
- Emergency response team at work
What We Do
We respond to environmental and transportation-related emergencies around the clock, across Canada. We are equipped with the latest cleaning, spill containment and air monitoring equipment for reliable and safe handling of almost any type of material, in almost any type of incident.
How We Do It
We maintain a Canadian network of qualified responders, technicians, safety professionals, hazardous waste experts and other specialized resources as required. We perform services in accordance with federal, provincial and local regulations regarding the removal, storage, handling and disposal of all released materials.
- Spill containment and clean-up
- On-call service
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Tailored Dredging & Dewatering Solutions
No matter the challenge or scope, we can dredge and dewater sludge in any environment. We develop job-specific solutions that use specialized equipment to meet your project requirements, safely and efficiently.
- A centrifuge set up on a customer site for dewatering of sludge
- Dredging and dewatering operator descending stairs
- Geobags used to dewater sludge removed from a customer’s pond, on a customer site
What We Do
We dredge ponds, lagoons, storage outlets and other bodies of water to remove bottom sediment and sludge. Once removed, we use centrifuge or geo-bag technology to separate water from the solid material.
In rare cases when dewatering isn’t an option, we dispose of the sludge in an environmentally responsible way. We recover and recycle as much usable material as possible to reduce the volume and costs of waste for disposal.
How We Do It
First, we sample and analyze the strength, nature, density and size of the particulate in the waste, so we can create an effective system that meets your specific requirements. Whatever the solution, our full fleet of large, small and multifunctional dredges means we can tackle any type of sludge, at any depth, in any climate.
At the dewatering stage, we use a range of pumps, centrifuges, filter/belt presses and geotextile bags. Often, we’ll add polymers to the sludge to destabilize it and increase particulate size, so we can filter solids out more easily. We dispose of the remaining dewatered solids safely, as required.
- Pond management
- Sludge removal
- Geo-bag sludge processing
- Centrifuge sludge processing
- Debris management
- Pump rentals
- Filter presses
- Pond dredging
- Process-flow filtration units
- Product polishing
- Solids control management
- Filtering
- Water treatment for reuse
- Recovery of valuable products
- Waste minimization and processing
- High-volume fluid management
Case Studies
Read how Terrapure exceeded customer expectations with a mining tailings removal project
We had to get creative to manage slime in an underground mine. Read more about this project.
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Secure Disposal and Value Recovery
Whether it’s secure disposal or finding ways to avoid disposal altogether, we manage virtually all hazardous and non-hazardous industrial, commercial and institutional waste streams.
- Person performing tests on recycled materials
- Person recycling cardboard box
- An operator taking samples from a wastewater treatment unit
What We Do
We have permitted facilities and expertise to recycle or dispose of your waste properly, efficiently and cost effectively.
As with other points in your waste cycle, we look for ways to recover as much material as we can for recycling or reuse, saving you money in the process. When we can’t recycle, we ensure safe and compliant disposal to minimize environmental risk.
For high-liability waste, we offer a 100% traceable product destruction program that inventories, barcodes and tracks your waste through the chain of custody to final disposal. Our technology enables real-time reporting on waste types and quantities, as well as where your materials are in the disposal process.
How We Do It
Our technicians analyze your waste streams to make sure they meet the strict inbound specifications for each waste class.
- Non-hazardous solid waste is sent to our recycling facilities or highly secure landfills, depending on the material.
- Liquids and water-based materials go to our water treatment facilities or are recovered and used as alternative fuels.
- Oil and flammables are re-refined or recovered for fuel blending.
- Hazardous waste is processed and sent for incineration or to a hazardous waste landfill.
As a strategic waste management partner, we’re always available to consult in reducing waste at the source.
- Battery recycling
- Aerosol and labpack services
- Product destruction
- Zero-landfill services
- Secure landfill disposal
- Third-party landfill and incineration
- Hazardous and non-hazardous disposal
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Secure Disposal and Value Recovery
Whether it’s secure disposal or finding ways to avoid disposal altogether, we manage virtually all hazardous and non-hazardous industrial, commercial and institutional waste streams.
- Person performing tests on recycled materials
- Person recycling cardboard box
- An operator taking samples from a wastewater treatment unit
What We Do
We have permitted facilities and expertise to recycle or dispose of your waste properly, efficiently and cost effectively.
As with other points in your waste cycle, we look for ways to recover as much material as we can for recycling or reuse, saving you money in the process. When we can’t recycle, we ensure safe and compliant disposal to minimize environmental risk.
For high-liability waste, we offer a 100% traceable product destruction program that inventories, barcodes and tracks your waste through the chain of custody to final disposal. Our technology enables real-time reporting on waste types and quantities, as well as where your materials are in the disposal process.
How We Do It
Our technicians analyze your waste streams to make sure they meet the strict inbound specifications for each waste class.
- Non-hazardous solid waste is sent to our recycling facilities or highly secure landfills, depending on the material.
- Liquids and water-based materials go to our water treatment facilities or are recovered and used as alternative fuels.
- Oil and flammables are re-refined or recovered for fuel blending.
- Hazardous waste is processed and sent for incineration or to a hazardous waste landfill.
As a strategic waste management partner, we’re always available to consult in reducing waste at the source.
- Aerosol and labpack services
- Hazardous and non-hazardous disposal
- Product destruction
- Zero-landfill services
- Secure landfill disposal
- Third-party landfill and incineration
Pharmaceutical Disposal Services
Read Terrapure’s full Pharmaceutical service offering for secure disposal
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Organics Solutions
We take a leading role in improving Canadian soil health through innovative biosolids and organics management. We divert valuable organics from landfills—saving disposal costs and greenhouse gas emissions—and put them to beneficial use on land that needs nutrient-rich soil amendments.
Organics Solutions
What We Do
As a leader in biosolids management, Terrapure collects municipal and industrial biosolids reliably, cost effectively and with no disruption to your operation. Our experts develop customized plans to apply the material to agricultural land. We also use these nutrient-rich materials to help reclaim mine tailings and revitalize soil. In both cases, keeping valuable resources from landfills.
Land application is the most beneficial and cost-effective option for biosolids management, and our vast land bank, storage capability, and other options ensure we are able to offer our clientele a sustainable year-round solution.
How We Do It
Our drivers and operations professionals who arrive on site are highly trained to do their job safely, competently and in a way that allows you to continue business as usual.
When it comes to land application, you can rest assured our approach is scientific, responsible and compliant with all relevant regulations. We have access to the largest land bank available in Ontario, with over 30,000 hectares of farmland identified for land application.
Organics Management Services
- Turnkey biosolids management
- Interruption-free pickup
- Transportation
- Land application
- Storage of liquid and solid biosolids
- Comprehensive annual reporting
- Emergency response services
- Lagoon and pumping station cleaning
- Dewatering
Industries We Serve
- Municipalities
- Industrial
- Food and Feed Production
- Mining (land reclamation)
- Agriculture (soil fertilization and revitalization)
Are You a Land Owner?
Nutrient-rich, biosolids-based soil amendments can be extremely valuable. When applied to land, they replenish soil nutrients and organic material, increase soil porosity, and help combat erosion. Biosolids provide much more than the NPK found in commercial fertilizers.
How We Help Land Owners
Our organics experts create and manage your custom organics program – without interrupting your agricultural operation or damaging your land. Our nutrient- and organic-rich soil amendments are particularly effective in improving yields and, by extension, your bottom line.
Before application, one of our certified personnel tests your soil and prepares a customized program based on the results, so you get exactly what your soil needs. Every program we create meets all regulations, taking the guesswork out of compliance. When we apply organics to your land, we make all the arrangements, and provide you with a comprehensive post-application report.
- Biosolids and soil sampling and testing
- Soil pH adjustment
- Soil conditioning
- Land application and acquisition
- Nutrient management plan (NMP) development and application
- NASM (non-agricultural source materials) plan development and consulting
- Communications, stakeholder management and outreach
- Land reclamation for heavily damaged soils